Can Horses Swim?


Most of the animals are natural swimmers, be it pets like dogs and cats or huge animals like lions, horses and tigers. Their capability to test their capacity under water is surely a must watch experience. Horses are one such animal family which have outstanding swimming powers. Analysing the depth of water they are able to adjust themselves and swim exquisitely. Their exceptional swimming powers are a result of gigantic lungs their body supports. To see horses swimming without the succour of their lungs will be truly non - viable.


Having a pair of enormously big lungs is definitely one of the greatest reasons why horses are able to swim so easily. The other reasons that help them to swim include their adaptive nature and water instincts. Theories have concluded time and again that the powerful instinct of a horse which allows it to sense water and the depth underneath helps it in swimming. They have strong instincts based on what they are easily able to swim. The remains of the existence of horses since ages clearly highlights their subtle adaptive powers. They are able to adapt themselves according to the temperatures and mould themselves as per the environment. Swimming is one such power that has been bestowed to horses with time.

Source- Horse Wildlife



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